Taught in English English Teaching Study in China English Medium/English Teaching/English Taught

Course In English Duration Starting Degree Fee Language
hust Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 3 years September Doctor ¥50000 Taught in English
shutcm Postgraduate Programs 3 s September Doctor ¥60000/year Taught in English
csu Powder Material Science and Engineering 4 years September Doctor ¥30,000 Taught in English
ujs Power Engineering & Engineering Thermophysics 3 years March/September Doctor ¥28,000 Taught in English
hit Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics 3 years March/September Doctor ¥42,000 Taught in English
nwpu Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics 4 s September Doctor ¥38000 Taught in English
heu Power Machinery & Engineering 3 years September Doctor ¥45,000 yuan RMB/ y Taught in English
whu Power System and Its Automaion 3 years September Doctor ¥45000 Taught in English
njnu Preschool Education 3 years September Doctor ¥33,000 Taught in English
zju Preventive Veterinary Medicine 3 years September Doctor ¥39,800 Taught in English
gsau Preventive Veterinary Science 3 years September Doctor ¥24,000 Taught in English
hust Probability and Mathematical Statistics 3 years September Doctor ¥50000 Taught in English
whu Probability and Mathematical Statistics 3 years September Doctor ¥45000 Taught in English
xmu Probability and Mathematical Statistics 3 years September Doctor ¥55,000 Taught in English
whu Procedural Law 3 years September Doctor ¥35000 Taught in English